Monday, July 27, 2009


  • Kelp
    Systems affected digestive, glandular

    Nutrition –high in Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Selinium, Silicon, Sodium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Fiber, Zinc

    Aids in
    *Blood purifier
    Other herbs: Marshmallow, Fenugreek, Psyllium, Echinacea, Slippery Elm (wound healing

Licorice Root

Licorice Root—bitter laxative

Systems affected: glandular, digestive, respiratory

Nutrients: high in Silicon, Sodium, Magnesium and Chromium

Herpes (cure for outbreaks)
Contact dermatitis
Antismoking lozenges (you can chew on or put in tea)
Ulcers (gastric and duodenal)
Bronchial asthma (antispasmodic)
Infectious hepatitis (antimicrobial)
NOTE: increases sodium retention and promotes potassium depletion
Those who shouldn’t use it are people who are on bed rest, cardiac patients, and those w/ Addisions disease……
Horsetail—bitter diuretic
Systems affected: urinary, digestive
AKA shave grass, bottlebrush, pewterwort

Nutrients: high in Chromium, calcium, fiber, iron, silicon and vitamin A

*Cure for gout, and other joint inflammations
*Induces perspiration during high fever
*Corrects bladder problems (urinary tract astringent)
*Used as diuretic and to control incontinence
*Including childhood enuresis
*Eye treatment esp. for conjunctivitis and inflammation of lachrymal ducts
*Apply externally to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures
*Treat menstrual clots
*Treats tumors
* Tones organs of urinary tract and soothes bladder
*Tighten inflamed epithelial tissues w/ tannins and purge urinary tract of toxins
*Flavonoids present exert a spasmolytic action on the smooth muscles to ease painful spasms often associated w/ UTI’s.
*Can use topically to heal wounds and as an eyewash
*VERY high in Silicon—used in tinctures as a skeletal strengthening formula
It's been said that Horsetail and liquid dulse can grow teeth

White Oak Bark

White Oak Bark

Systems—structural, digestive
High in Calcium, and Zinc

Tannins are the active principle of white oak bark so it works great as a gargle, but as long-term use can permanently discolor the intestinal mucosa.

According to Basheen, white oak bark is good for the following:
Loose gums
Sore throats
Dissolves Scar tissue
According to the book
Halts diarrhea and dysenteryUsed in gargles as an emetic (vomit
Uva Ursi leaf AKA Bearberry

ASTRINGENT herb w/ strong affinity for the urinary system.
Systems affected: Urinary
Diuretic, bitter, urinary antiseptic and astringent
High in Vitamin A, and super high in Iron along with Manganese and Calcium

Helps correct bedwetting, bladder diseases, cystitis, kidney congestion, and kidney infections as well as UTI’s. It also has the ability to dissolve kidney stones.

Used in prostate remedies

Stimulates production of epithelial cells which affect female organs, skin, glands, nervous system, lung tissue, lymph, thyroid, gallbladder and digestive systems.

Also helps reduce reactions to pain in UTIs and increase renal volume in inflamed renal tubules.
Capsicum (cayenne pepper)—aromatic, stimulant, astringent, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, circulatory tonic, carminative, rubifacient

Systems—circulatory, digestive

Nutritional properties: High in cobalt, fiber, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and average in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium

AKA cayenne, red pepper (mildest forms are paprika)

*Catalyst herb in every herbal combination except nerviness
*Stimulant effects speed the circulation causing enhanced digestion and absorption
*Pain relief of arthritis, female complaints, athletics, infections, heart, laxatives, diuretics, ulcers, *thyroid balance
*male tonic, and cleansing
*respiratory ailments
*Herb of choice to remove toxins and restore the life heat
*Poultice as an irritant and end all pain
*Stimulates stomach to produce mucous to sooth intestinal ailments
*Have healing properties for mucous membranes


Ginger Root Tea

~~buy a ginger root and shred some of it and steep it in boiling water. This makes an excellent tea! See the properties below! :-) Also, I put licorace root (can be found in bulk spices at your local co-op) in there too; this makes an excellent healing tea!

Ginger root—aromatic, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diaphoretic, carminative

Systems--digestive, circulatory, structural

Nutritional properties: high in Magnesium, fiber, manganese, potassium, silicon, and average in vit C, sodium, selenium, riboflavin, phosphorus, niacin, iron

*Treats indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea and loss of appetite.
*Carminative, aphrodisiac, tonic, aperative and stomachic esp. for convalescents.
*Used externally to remove heat of painful, inflamed and stiff joints
*Oil extract used for massage therapy for treatment of earaches and dandruff
*Motion sickness (more effective than 100 mg Dramamine) take 2 capsules 25 min before
*Relieves body pain (2-3 TBS power in teabag in hot bath) and relaxes muscles
*Digestive stimulant
*Neutralizes toxins and acids in digestive tract
*Carminative action
*Vasomotor stimulus and diaphoretic action
*Blood purifier

Sweet Kale Salad

I have to share this recipe--it was so good!

Kale Salad
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup honey or agave
cook in saucepan until it becomes a syrup and set aside

1 TBS toasted sesame seeds (toast in oven on 325--for 15 min)

4 cloves of garlic (minced or pressed)
3 TBS olive oil
3 bunches of kale cut into 1-2" strips
1/2-1 cup of vegetable broth (or water w/or w/out sea salt if you have none)

Put oil in huge pan (or wok) on med high heat add garlic add kale, and then add broth (heated). Toss together and cook over med-high heat covered for 5-8 min.

remove cover, drizzle w/ honey/balsamic syrup and sprinkle w/ sesame seeds toss together and serve hot or cold.

GREAT salad!!!!