Friday, March 7, 2008

A Gift from God--With Bright Blue Eyes!!!!!

A man in my office told me today that my daughter is not my daughter, she is borrowed. She is but mearly a gift from God.

I knew that. He reminded me, but I knew that once; where does that fit into my new found beliefs. hmmmmm......While I was out for my run today on lunch, this is what I came up with...

I think when I forgot that she is a gift from God--I was looking at her and taking the credit for how healthy she is, and how clear her little mind is, and how vibrant she is, and how bright her big blue eyes shine, and I was taking credit for what a wonderful child she is--after all, I use only natural medicine, I ate right, and I took care of myself during my pregnancy, and in her 15 months of life, I have bought organic food, and not fed her meat and dairy, and researched the best possible diet for this little girl. She knows only whole foods. She has never eaten baby food, I've made all of her food and juice, and I make sure she's getting everything she needs nutritionally. I got her out of the abusive environment, and I have provided her with love, lots of love, stability, healthy people surrounding her, and structure. I did all of this--so aren't I the one that should be taking the credit? After all, I bathe her, put her to bed, get her up, make sure she has clean clothes, food, diapers, naps, childcare, I take care of this little girl and provide for her ALL BY MYSELF. So, shouldn't I be the one taking the credit for how wonderful she is????

Well, the more I thought about it, this is what I came to.... I think I've done what I've done w/ the knowledge the Lord has given me. I think my God who lives within me gave me this amazing child! He created her exactly as she is! There are so many things that could've gone wrong in this little miracle! He knows every hair on her head. He loves her as much as I do. He also loves ME that much--I believe that is why he gave me this child.

This God birthed all of the thoughts I've had that have taken me to the next step in educating myself to take the very best care of myself and this little girl. This God has given me the heart to love her more than I've ever loved in my life. At the same time, all of the doors he's opening, is making my life better. I owe it to God--for giving me this amazing gift. This amazing gift has helped me to grow and want so much more for "our" lives. Because I want so much more for my life--I will get so much more out of my life. Thank you God for all that you have provided.

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