Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Re-discovering Serenity

I went to an Al-Anon meeting tonight. The topic was focusing on ourselves.

This was a good topic for me. I have gotten better at focusing on myself and learning to take care of myself. It takes effort, and we sometimes forget, but it is sooooo essential! My friend in Utah needs X amount of time per day to read, meditate and reflect. This seems a little strange to me, but after spending a week there, and scheduling our "alone time" into our days, I could see how powerful that time is!

P purchased two spa certificates for me. This could've possibly been one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me. Because I have a hard time scheduling this kind of time for myself, I struggled at fitting these appointments into my busy schedule. There was sooo much I wanted to do and so many places I wanted to be exploring and just not enough hours.

The night before I left, I scheduled a stone massage. It was heavenly! After my massage, I went into a sitting room in my white spa robe, white slippers and spice tea to relax for 1/2 hr. I grabbed a "faith and spirituality" magazine and laid back in the chair to enjoy the moment. At that point, I felt it. PEACE...SERENITY....HOPE....LOVE....I felt completely relaxed and open and my mind was clear. This was a feeling I vaguely recognized; I had not felt this in so long. I promised myself that evening to take care of myself, and take time to appreciate stillness; take the time just to breath so I can experience serenity again.

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